
Our Treatments

Wisdom Teeth Removal
in Montreal

Experience precision, safety, and expertise in your wisdom teeth removal procedure.

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Expert Wisdom Teeth Extraction Services

What are wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last set of molars to emerge in the mouth, typically appearing between the ages of 17 and 24. Most adults have four wisdom teeth, two in each jaw. Unlike other permanent teeth, they are not essential for proper dental function.

These teeth often cause complications because they are commonly impacted, meaning they do not have enough space to erupt properly, are crooked, or only partially emerge. Such conditions can lead to gum disease, cysts, and damage to adjacent teeth.

Removing impacted wisdom teeth is often recommended to prevent these issues. However, not all wisdom teeth need to be removed. Evaluation by a dentist or oral surgeon, typically between ages 16 and 19, helps determine if removal is necessary.

Why Choose Us for Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Experienced and specialized team

The latest in surgical technology

Safe and precise procedures

Multiple sedation options

A reputable track record

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What to Expect During Your Wisdom Teeth Surgery

Wisdom teeth removal is a routine procedure, widely recognized as one of the most common surgeries worldwide. Our Montreal oral surgeons will guide you through the procedure, ensuring you’re comfortable and informed.

Our wisdom teeth specialists are trained in IV sedation, ensuring patients experience the procedure with utmost comfort. Once sedated, local anesthesia is administered, and the wisdom teeth are extracted. Following the removal, self-dissolving stitches are applied, promoting swift recovery.

Cost of Wisdom Teeth Removal in Montreal

At Seaforth Oral Surgery, accessibility is key. We understand the cost of dental procedures can be a concern, and so we provide transparent pricing and payment options. Take advantage of our flexible payment plans with Affirm for wisdom teeth removal procedures in Montreal.

Post-Removal Care and Recovery Tips

What can I eat after wisdom teeth extraction?

Day 1

Lukewarm liquid-based items such as broths, yogurt, ice cream, and soup.

Day 2

Softer foods like eggs and cottage cheese.

Day 3

Semi-soft foods such as mashed potatoes, pasta, tender vegetables, and, avoiding the use of a straw for smoothies or milkshakes.

Day 4

Small portions of well-cooked chicken, beef, or pulled pork, ensuring they are not overly chewy.

Day 5

Gradually reintroduce solid foods. If you experience discomfort while chewing, it’s advisable to stick to the semi-soft food diet.

Day 6

Typically, after about two weeks, you should be able to resume your regular diet.

Pre and Post-Surgery Instructions


  • Inform your oral and maxillofacial surgeon of any medications or natural products that you are taking.
  • If you have been prescribed antibiotics, you should take them according to the instructions.
  • Do not use aspirin or tablets containing aspirin during the week before your surgery, unless prescribed by your doctor for a specific medical condition.
  • For women who are using birth control pills and taking antibiotics, be advised to use an additional method of birth control as antibiotics lessen the effectiveness of oral contraceptives.
  • If your surgeon has asked you to take medication before your treatment, take it with a small quantity of water one hour before your appointment.
  • Do not take any other medications on the same day of your surgery without first consulting with your surgeon.



  • Wear loose-fitting clothes. You want to make sure that you are comfortable.
  • For men and women: short sleeve shirts or blouses are preferred.

Immediately following surgery:

  • You may rest for 15 to 30 minutes while in the clinic before you are ready to return home.
  • If you have received intravenous sedation you must not drive for 12 to 24 hours afterwards.
  • You must have a responsible adult accompanying you and taking you home.
  • Please follow the instructions below regarding what to eat and how to care for your mouth after your treatment.



  • Antibiotics are not routinely given and their use is limited to particular situations.
  • Take your antibiotics and pain medication as prescribed. Please make sure to carefully follow the instructions given on the bottle.
  • Start your pain medication as soon as you return home before the numbness completely wears off and continue using on a regular basis for the first 48 to 72 hours.
  • Some pain medication will make you feel sleepy, so it is advised that you do not drive or operate machinery.


Head position

  • If possible, use an extra pillow to elevate your head for the first two nights after your surgery to help reduce swelling.



  • You can expect some bleeding 24 to 48 hours after your surgery.
  • We will supply you with cotton sponges that should be folded into quarters, placed on the bleeding area, and gently bitten down on, applying steady pressure for 20 minutes.
  • Refrain from spitting as this may promote bleeding.



  • After surgery, there is often mild swelling of the face and at times, bruising of the skin. Be assured that this is a normal part of the recovery process.
  • Hold an ice pack to your face (30 minutes on and 30 minutes off) for the first 48 hours to reduce the swelling.
  • You can expect the swelling to be the greatest within 24 to 48 hours after surgery.
    Swelling can last for 7 to 10 days.
  • If the swelling disappears and then returns a few days later, please contact your surgeon immediately as this may be an indication of an infection.



  • Eat a light diet, including soft foods such as yogurt, soup, milk products and Jell-O for the first few days.
  • Progress to a normal diet as you are feeling more comfortable after 2-3 days.
  • Avoid hot food and do not use a straw as this may lead to bleeding.



  • Please refrain from smoking, as it is known to diminish your capacity for healing by decreasing the blood supply to the surgical site.
  • Smoking may increase your risk for the development of an infection or implant failure.



  • Starting the day after surgery, a salt-water rinse (1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water) should be used after meals and before bedtime.
  • You may brush your teeth as usual but should AVOID the areas of your mouth that were treated.
  • You may be instructed to use a special mouthwash to keep the healing area clean.
  • Brushing a treated site within the first week of surgery may induce bleeding and discomfort.
  • Avoid commercial mouthwashes as they contain alcohol and can irritate the treated area.
  • Gentle tooth brushing of the teeth and surgical site can be resumed within 7-10 days after surgery using a soft bristle brush.



  • Dissolving stitches: These are used for most operations. These normally begin to fall out 5 to 7 days after your treatment.
  • Non-dissolving sutures: In some cases, non-dissolving sutures are needed and these must be removed within 10 to 14 days after treatment.


Dentures or Prosthesis

  • It is important that you do not wear your old dentures or temporary prosthesis until your surgeon advises you to do so. They may also require adjustment.
  • If they are inserted too early this could interfere with the healing process.


Physical Activity

  • Normally, light physical activity (jogging, aerobic exercise) can be resumed 48 to 72 hours after your treatment.


Follow-up Appointments

  • A member of our team will set up an appointment within 7 to 14 days after your surgery for us to check on your healing process.

It is important to follow these precautions:

  • Since the medications given to you intravenously will still be in your system after the surgery, you may feel sleepy.
  • Please have a responsible adult accompany you to your appointment and drive you home after your surgery.
  • You should plan to rest for the remainder of the day, keeping your head elevated.
  • Change position slowly when trying to get up. You may experience dizziness if you try to get up abruptly from a sitting to a standing position.
  • You should not drive or operate machinery for 24 hours after your sedation.
  • You should not drink any alcoholic beverages for 24 hours after your sedation.
  • Increased swelling under the tongue or around the face and neck.
  • Continuous bleeding.
  • Jaw or mouth pain that does not stop after you take your pain medication.
  • Fever (greater than 38.5°C).
  • Presence of numbness after the anesthetic has worn off (lip, chin, tongue).


Wisdom teeth can cause issues if they do not emerge correctly, such as misalignment, impaction, or overcrowding, leading to pain, infections, and other complications. Additionally, their position also makes cleaning difficult, increasing the risk of cavities and decay. Depending on your situation, wisdom teeth extraction may be recommended, or periodic examinations may be advised if they are not causing any issues.

Removing wisdom teeth at a younger age is typically recommended as surgery tends to be simpler with fewer postoperative complications and risks.

Symptoms of an impacted wisdom tooth can vary: jaw pain, swollen, tender, or bleeding gums, chronic bad breath, discomfort when opening the mouth, and unpleasant tastes in the mouth.

Since the local anesthetic lasts for a few hours after the procedure, very little discomfort is present. By taking the prescribed analgesics at the right time, most patients are able to control the discomfort associated with the procedure very well.
If sedated, yes, you will need to have someone drive you home. While not mandatory for those only receiving local anesthesia, many opt for this convenience. It’s generally recommended to have an adult accompany you home after the procedure.

Recovery time varies, but it typically involves some swelling and discomfort for a few days. Following postoperative instructions can help facilitate recovery.

For most patients, three to seven days of analgesics and five to seven days of antibiotics are sufficient. Remember, it’s crucial to adhere to your doctor’s prescribed duration for medications, even if you’re not experiencing symptoms.

What to expect

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